Peter’s HDTL Presentation

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3 Responses to Peter’s HDTL Presentation

  1. kaitlin cobleigh says:

    Hi Peter,

    Great job on your HDLT presentation. I also used plotagon. 🙂 I think you did an excellent job of tying the themes, theories and concepts covered in the class into your teaching philosophy and classroom practices. A good point you made is that even though you teach within the prescribed framework of a grade 6/7 class, you recognize that all of your students work and develop at their own pace, that they come from diverse cultural backgrounds and have varied social and emotional levels and needs. I like that you talk about the organic nature of learning that involves experimentation to construct meaning as this sounds like you are more of the guide on the side rather than the sage on the stage. A suggestion, if you were to add anything, would be to explicitly tie this back to some theorists that believed in this constructivist approach to learning and development.
    The last thing I wanted to comment on is that I liked that the character Jessica pointed out that this is a really different learning environment than what she may have been a part of as a student. This is important to point out because with the new curriculum there needs to be a shift in thinking for all people involved (parents, admin, teachers) from what they understood schooling and education to be when they were young to now in the 21st century.
    Overall a really clear representation of your own theory on human development and learning. 🙂

  2. irendeep braich says:

    Peter, I really enjoyed your presentation! I like how you used Plotagon to create it. It is well organized and concise; it’s an excellent water cooler pitch 🙂 Thank you for incorporating humour into it. I giggled out loud and the people at the coffee shop were intrigued by what was on my screen. Nothing but a grown woman laughing at an animation 😉 You did a great job in summarizing the theories and perspectives we examined in class and relating them to the Grades 6 and 7 students you teach.

    It is important for an educator to allow their students to take risks and be comfortable to learn and develop at their own pace. I like how you explain personalized learning and the importance of constructing meaningful knowledge that students are able to relate to their lives. I would love to be a student in your class! This was a very engaging and creative presentation! Great job!

  3. jennifer mathis says:

    You have a really great water cooler pitch here, Peter. I like how you made your pitch student-centred by focusing on the ways students learn and teachers can support learning. I also enjoyed your character’s resemblance to you at the end of Movember. To expand on what you have here, I would consider making reference to how the different theories and bodies of research we studied have informed your thinking. Another approach might be to consider how different theorists would respond to, agree with, or disagree with your personal theory. I also would be curious to know what you would add about technology. Since your presentation was succinct, and therefore short, you probably could have added that in, since you suggested you feel that is a relevant topic. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your video!

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