Renuka’s Final HDLT Keynote Presentation

Please find below my presentation. I couldnt get it to upload so I put it on youtube and am including the link. Its been a few days of techical issues. I have learned many new things from this experience. Hope you enjoy this presentation. Preview Image

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5 Responses to Renuka’s Final HDLT Keynote Presentation

  1. peter ritchie says:

    Hey Renuka,

    I really enjoyed your presentation and it is evident that you have a clear picture and understanding of how your students learn and develop. I specifically liked the imagery combined with your thoughts because it was visually interesting combined with your thinking.

    Your quote “Like pebbles at the waters edge or flowers in the garden, each child is unique” really resonated with me and it is nice to see that no matter what grade we teach, we have commonalities as educators. Also, the idea of collaboration not only with students but with colleagues is important. As educators we learn so much from each and you captured that in your presentation.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. angela cowin says:

    Hi Renuka. You have such a great voice for your story! I love the symbolism and imagery that you used in your slides and script. I appreciate how you tied in many of the topics covered and the theorists (mainly Vygotsky). Similar to Peter, I too enjoy your quote “Like pebbles at the waters edge or flowers in the garden, each child is unique” and agree with the connections you made to us educators. Have a great break!

  3. olivier salvas says:

    Hi Renuka,
    I really like how you started your video with diversity. I agree with you that it is important to value diversity as kids will develop in different ways.
    I love the imagery linked to the environments! So fun!
    I agree with Vygotsky too about the importance of building relationships.
    Good call on talking about the impact of classroom composition. It is a struggle to create a unique and diverse space and the find the appropriate resources.
    This video was clear, well articulated and easy to follow.
    Good job!

  4. Sharissa Desrochers says:

    Renuka, this is awesome! I know you ran into quite a few technical difficulties (those darn iPads AND garbage Surrey internet connection!!!) however I think that your video turned out so well! I love how personalized it is, and how you speak from your classroom and personal experiences. This is such a great video, and will be an ideal addition to your e-portfolio.

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