Carrie Bourne’s CMap Draft #1


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1 Response to Carrie Bourne’s CMap Draft #1

  1. simon kwok says:


    I really like how you organized the different learning theories using different colours – makes it easier to follow. Just wondering, is there a reason why certain bubbles are different shades?

    Your map is very detailed in that it contains everything we’ve read and notes that we’ve taken in class. It is also presented very concisely with important keywords rather than complicated sentences for your bubbles.

    One thing that you may want to consider is perhaps finding a way for connections to cross less, or make the arrows darker and in different colours? Because of the size of your map, with the scrolling sometimes it was very hard to follow the lines without my eyes losing track.

    Overall, besides the aesthetics, it is a really good first draft – great work!

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