B.Scott CMap #2


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4 Responses to B.Scott CMap #2

  1. carrie bourne says:

    It’s amazing to see how much content we have covered by looking at your C-Map. I like the way you have highlighted (in blue) the theorists. I’m wondering if you can add explanations or reasons for your links (not sure if it’s possible with the program you are using). I know some of them seem rather obvious but it is nice to see your thinking (the reasons you chose to link them). Is your theory of learning and development reflected in your C-Map? Is it clearly shown? I’m trying to link my C-Map to the theory of learning and development to help with the writing. Can you somehow include your thoughts on your theory with your links, for example? Just some ideas to consider.

  2. irendeep braich says:

    Hi Belinda,

    I really appreciate the way you have organized your CMap. It is visually appealing and easy to follow. I love the inclusion of the images and the connections you make to the different theories.

    The information is well-organized, but I think more details may be included. For “Behaviourism,” Bandura may be explained and categorized with “Neobehaviourism” (which I did not see included). Under “theorists” in the same theory, there are two lines connecting to “Pavlov.” I don’t think the blue one belongs there? For, “Cognitivism” and “Memory” you can discuss the different types (ie. LTM, WM), scheme, and processes. For “Diversity” you may also add the multiple layers of identity (ie. abilities/disabilities, geographic region, religion, sexual orientation, etc).

    Overall, very well done! 🙂

  3. simon kwok says:

    Leaving a comment here at the moment…

    • simon kwok says:

      Hi Belinda,

      I really like how your CMap is organized in a way that matches with each week’s topic. You also provided pictures to spice things up, as well as put in links to extra resources relating to certain topics so we could learn more about them if we want!

      Some questions/suggestions I have for your mind map:
      – I noticed that some of your links are coloured, but most of them are black. Is this intentional? If so, what do the colours signify?
      – I also noticed that some links have arrow heads while some don’t – again, is this intentional?
      – There were a few stray bubbles…
      – Is Vygotzky really linked to cognitivism? I thought it was Piaget who dips in both constructivism and cognitivism. By linking Vygotzky from the cognitivism bubble it gave me a sense that he was an important advocate of cognitivism.

      Overall, a great job!

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