Kwok HDT Concept Map V2


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3 Responses to Kwok HDT Concept Map V2

  1. carrie bourne says:

    Hi Simon,
    I like how you’ve organized your Cmap so that your links between theories connect easily. It is clean and easy to follow. Do you feel like your Cmap reflects what you originally though about the human development theory? I tried to find commonalities amongst the theories that would help with my writing and highlighted these on my Cmap to help with my writing. For example, the importance of social interactions or experience or the environment. Perhaps you could think about including some of this in your Cmap, merely a suggestion.

  2. belinda scott says:

    Hi Simon
    Your map is easy to read as it is well spaced out and clearly colour coded. I like how in your SEL bubbles you use connecting words to explain the concepts of SEL. I also like how you mapped out diversity in a succinct manner. You have done an excellent job of showing the prominent role of memory in cognitivism.

    Why did you choose to have self-regulation and then SRL come out of the mental health? I would connect those concepts in a different way as I am not sure SR and SRL connect wholly to mental health.
    How did Piaget influence the theory of development? Expand on what you have to provide how his theories impacted teaching and learning.
    Under Ecological Development theory you have expanded on the parts of the theory but a short explanation of the theory may be helpful.

    Add co-regulation as an aspect to SRL.
    Under Behaviourism you could expand on what contributions the theorists had pertaining to behaviourism. Another idea is to expand on how behaviorism has affected teachers and students in the classroom.
    Showing links between some of the theorists and theorists may help consolidate some of your thoughts. Similar to what you did with Piaget. Specifically I thinking of Vygostsky whose ideas can be found in cognitivism, constructivism, and even SRL.

    Great job Simon and thanks for making your map so easy to read.

  3. davinderjit sandhu says:

    Hi Simon,

    Your CMap is very detailed and you have created depth to your thoughts on the theories and their connections. The consistency of main headings “ learner, learning, instructional design, theorists” throughout you CMap are effective and provide important information.

    You have done a great job of linking the theories in ways that I would not think to do. However, I found it a little difficult to follow as the theories are intermingled and I find it easier to follow when the theories are grouped and links are made throughout.

    You have separated “development” and “learning” and I see how you have shown that learning impacts development and vice versa. You could link Vygotsky and Piaget’s theory of development to these two sections.

    Overall, I think you have created a CMap that shows the connections well as they are meaningful to you. Good job!

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