Robyn CMap draft #2


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3 Responses to Robyn CMap draft #2

  1. angela cowin says:

    HI Robyn, I liked the program you used although it is quite linear. I like the titles/sub-titles but I think you are missing one or two (ex. SEL). I also saw you bolded a few comments in the 3 theories but not much in the other topics. Are there any important items that should be bolded in the learning categories? Additionally it would be great to see the link between the theories and the other topics we covered but it seems your program may not allow that. I also am drawn to the variety of color, I personally think the theorists should be in a different or darker color to be able to identify them quickly. Great detail and Great work!

  2. irendeep braich says:

    Hi Robyn,

    I love the way your mind map is organized. It is very easy to follow with the neat layout and colour coordination.

    I would suggest changing the centre box to “Theories…” as opposed to “Theory…” since you are examining several of them. Under “Constructivism” I would add details for “Existentialism” for definition (info provided in presentation slides – but that’s just an OCD suggestion as it’s empty under it). For “Diversity” and “What is it” perhaps expand beyond the “anti-racist pedagogy” for meaning. For “Self-Regulated Learning” and Vygotsky, you may add the ZPD. Also, under “Impact on Education” the strategies may be moved under “Role of Teacher” as they are teaching strategies?

    Overall, very well done with excellent details and inclusion of content from lectures and readings 🙂

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