Iren’s CMap #2


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6 Responses to Iren’s CMap #2

  1. irendeep braich says:

    Thank you for posting this for me, Shawna!

  2. davinderjit sandhu says:

    I’m writing up my response for Iren’s CMap

  3. davinderjit sandhu says:

    Hi Iren,

    I like the way you have mapped out your CMap. It is colourful and includes lots of detail and depth. I also like how you have linked theorists between the theories as they overlap in certain ways.

    I would suggest to use lighter colours as the brightness makes it a little difficult to read (but that could just be my eyes!). However, I like how you have used the different colours to separate the theories but still managed to make connections between them and linked them using arrows. Under the theory “social and emotional learning”, you could have included examples of classroom activities or types of lessons that help highlight the points that you have made. Even possible ways and conflicts of SEL integration in the classroom and school community when we think about the real world.
    Also, under the “Social Contexts of learning”, it would have been nice to have the visual of the microsystem, mesosystem, etc. by Urie Bronfenbrenner. This would demonstrate the layers and the difference in control from the inner core to the outer circle. The language you have used is concise and easy to understand.

    Overall, you have done a great job of including so much information in an organized way.
    Good job Iren!

  4. renuka senaratne says:

    Hi Iren,

    Great to see the changes in the second version of your Cmap. I like the additon of colour and how you have organized the various theories by color. I’m really impressed by the quality of information you have included.

    Is there a way to make some of the black lines that connect ideas between Theories stand out. The black line between constructivist views of learning and constructivist Is hard to see.

    For Behaviourism, can you get further specific examples of how it is used in the classroom. I really like your descriptions and the details you have included for Self Regulated Learning and the Constructivist Views of Learning. Are there further details that can be added to social context of learning?

    You have done a great job of bringing together all the main ideas in each of the theories. Each time I went looking for something that was missing I discovered the information was carefully included. Great CMap Iren!

  5. jennifer mathis says:

    I am writing a comment.

  6. jennifer mathis says:


    I really like your C-Map. You have detailed information, with clear sentences that explain not only what the concepts are, but what each means and how they are connected.

    I think it might be helpful to add some classroom examples of SEL. I also might consider separating the part about operant conditioning in a few bubbles to really break down the concepts within operant conditioning.

    Visually, I like the colour coding, and the use of coloured trails to lead to each topic area. I agree that it might help to use some lighter, less intense colours. I also think it might be good to make each area branch out a bit further (towards the top and bottom edges of the paper), with everything a little less compact.

    Great job on your C-Map, Iren!

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