Angela’s Cmap #2


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3 Responses to Angela’s Cmap #2

  1. Sheela John says:

    I like how you used colour to separate the theories , theorists, and facets of human development, Angela. It might be helpful to include a colour coded legend; I noticed that the bubbles for SEL and Motivation are similar in colour. It was interesting to see how you organized your map in three sections: development, learning and culture. As I looked further, I could see how you made links between these areas, such as cognitivism and SR. I did have trouble following the connection between the items with bold lines, such as ZPD and the definition of SR. It was a good idea to include links of examples and resources. One more suggestion I would have is to have arrows leading from one stage to the next for Piaget’s theory and arrows between Bronfenbrenner’s systems. I’ve found linking all the ideas together in a way that is cogent a challenging exercise, since my thinking makes sense to me, but may not be all that clear to someone else. It is remarkable how many connections you find once you have all those ideas on your map.

  2. Sharissa Desrochers says:

    Love this, I’m super jealous! Not going to lie, I was kind of hoping your cmap #2 would be a paper scan, I loved that idea. The colour coordination is really helpful, I also like the repetition in key words i.e. “in the classroom” etc. I can’t see any ties that you missed, however, I find the cross arrows really hard to follow since they cut behind other bubbles. Also (although I’m not sure what you can do about this) your CMap is really laggy, and when I scroll across is freezes and I’m having a hard time navigating my way around. All in all, this is awesome, and really well developed.

  3. todd millway says:

    Hi Angela,

    The best thing about your CMAP is the way that you have sub categorized things. I can see right away from the centre of your creation that you have divided into learning, development and culture, what a great way to start setting up the extended categories and theories.
    Not sure if the space on top is for motivation when we cover that, or ?? I don’t see anything on motivation and I could be totally wrong including it in mine. I just picked up on the comment that Shawna made about motivation being an important factor in all of the theories so thought I should include it.
    I like that your remembered to include little Albert, some left out Watson and poor little Albert altogether.


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