Sheela’s Cmap #2


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3 Responses to Sheela’s Cmap #2

  1. peter ritchie says:

    Hey Sheela,

    I really enjoyed the Key on the bottom right as it helped to clarify the reasons for the colours and how they related to your CMap. I can tell that you have a clear understanding of how the different theories and theorists connect and can relate to aspects of social learning. I wonder if there is any connection between Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-ecological model and Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development in relation to self-regulated learning? You might also want to expand on your motivation bubble and how it relates to achievement in learners and the role it plays in the classroom.

    Overall your CMap flows nicely and I like that you have the theories and theorists acting as the driving force to your understanding of human development and learning.


  2. joti chahal says:

    Hey Sheela,

    Your second edition of the CMap looks great! As per my initial recommendation for your first CMap, you definitely added more detail to some of the key terms. I also notice that the theorists are in yellow oval bubbles which really helps them stand out from the rest. I also like how you structured Bronfenbrenner’s Bio-ecological systems theory. Your thought process is very clear as you have detailed links between every connection – wow!

    I would recommend having the main topics/theories all in the same colour. Diversity, SEL, SRL might stand out more if they were also in orange, although I see how they are connected via the theorists and the social learning bubble. I see many similarities between your SEL and SRL links, I’m wondering if you could make more connections between the two. Overall, once again this is an amazing CMap and it’s been hard to make any suggestions, great work!!

  3. olivier salvas says:

    Hi Sheela,

    I really like the connections between the topics. It makes it easy to follow. The map looks very “clean”. I wish I could have that quality. Mindmapping is a hard task for my artistic brain. I like how your colour code is different. e.g. colours for the categories and not for the theories like most of us did.

    For diversity learning, I think the benefits for student should be added. Diversity learning really targets the students who feel they don’t belong to the mainstream for whatever reason and to add benefits such as resilience, self-efficiency, academic success and caring relations with the teacher is important.

    Great links between cognitivism and behaviourism. Although, I feel some links with memory or/and transfer of learning should be tied to behaviourism too.

    For SEL, I would expand on motivation. Maybe you are waiting for the seminar to add elements. I think there is a little more to add to metacognition such as task analysis, problem-solving strategies and effective thinking. Also, there is the element of choice that can be misunderstood if not explained properly. e.g. How choices have to be equally challenging. I would do the same with the keywords challenge and self-evaluation.

    Great work Sheela! This is a very strong analysis. I am very impressed in the way you made the connections.


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