Davinder’s CMap #2


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3 Responses to Davinder’s CMap #2

  1. belinda scott says:

    Hi Davinder
    What a beautiful map! I love the curved lines and how it looks like it is flowing. I like how you explained the connections between your bubbles.

    When I look at it from an overall perspective I am not sure how you used your colour coding.
    Behaviourism: Further explain Skinner and Watson’s theories. You explained Skinner but what did Watson believe? Your map of operant conditioning explains the differences between punishment and reinforcement in a clear way.

    SRL: You have clearly explained SRL and have been able to show the many facets of SRL. You may want to expand on what is self-regulation and the different domains – biological, cognitive, emotional, prosocial etc.

    Diversity: I love how you included the padlet activity and the Loutzenheiser quote. Under your “four types” bubble are you referring to 4 types of learners or teachers? Someone unfamiliar to the theory may not know what you are referring to.
    SEL: The UNICEF report is interesting to see and great information to add. Would it be of benefit to you to add how SEL could be taught in schools?
    Constructivism: Vygotsky – you have clearly outlined Vygotsky’s impact on learning and development. Do you see Vygotsky impacting other areas such as SRL and cognitivism?
    Cognitivism: Again a fantastic job of outlining Piaget’s theory. You have one line linking to Constructivism. I would suggest further showing how Piaget impacted Cognitivism.
    Overall this is a most impressive and comprehensive map. Well done.

  2. joti chahal says:

    Hey Davinder,

    What a wonderful CMap! I like how you have descriptors on your links to connections, that’s not a simple task and you have done it really well. I also like the addition of some of the visual graphic organizers we discussed in class, I find them to be great trigger points to remember different theories. Your connections are plentiful and show the interrelatedness of subtopics within and between many of the major theories.

    I would suggest changing the colour layout of some of the bubbles as the colour schema isn’t always clear in your CMap. For example, self-regulated learning is blue (I think it’s supposed to be in yellow, just as your other main theories), but so are some of its subtopics, but as well as a subtopics in diversity, cognitivism, etc. A suggestion would be to have the colours of subtopics remain consistent between theories. For example, have theorists be represented by the same colour across each theory.
    I’m wondering if more connections can be made between cognitivism and constructivism, as well as SEL and social contexts of learning.
    Overall you have done a fantastic job and it’s hard too fault too much in this detailed CMap!

  3. peter ritchie says:

    Hey Davinder,

    You have a very detailed CMap that clearly outlines what we have learned so far about human development and learning. I like that you included visuals because when I was looking through your CMap the visuals really helped to make your thinking clear and concise. I especially like the part “in the classroom” in your self-regulated learning section. I’m not sure if it is possible but having other sections like that throughout your CMap explaining how the theories relate to the classroom would be nice. In the SEL section, the revised curriculum part is interesting and I like that your last bubble is a question. I wonder if answering the question of how to integrate SEL throughout the school community would help to solidify your thinking.

    Overall your CMap is very well done and it is evident that you have a great understanding of the human development and learning!

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