Jenn Mathis – Human Development and Learning Theories C-Map Second Draft


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4 Responses to Jenn Mathis – Human Development and Learning Theories C-Map Second Draft

  1. Sharissa Desrochers says:

    Great CMAP Jen! It looks like you used the same software as me. I found it to be quite difficult to use, and difficult to see the text (which is why I guess I made so many spelling errors haha). I hope it was easier for you!

    Your cmap is very thorough and clear, I only have a few suggestions:

    1. for clarity’s sake, perhaps you could label the “social context of learning” section (white bubbles). Everything else is labeled, this is the only section with a label

    2. also, this section is the only one without an “implications for education” tie

    3. lastly, I feel that there could be a tie from the “social” in “social contexts of learning” to “social constructionism”

    Overall, excellent CMAP!

  2. amelia walker says:

    I am commenting on Jenn’s….

    • amelia walker says:

      Hey Jenn,

      I really enjoyed your CMap, thanks for sharing!

      First of all, I thought the blue background makes everything easier to read. Also, I haven’t seen any other maps with a background colour, great idea! I really appreciate the words you’ve used to explain the connections/lines in between the ideas. This was a suggestion someone made for my cmap and now I can really see how it would help!

      Just one question/suggestion… In between the ‘Connections’ bubble under Cognitivism – Implication for Education and ‘Connecting’ bubble under Memory, the line has ???? I’m not sure if that was purposeful or if you were still deciding what to put for that line?

      Great work!
      – Amy 🙂

  3. robyn evans says:

    Hi Jenn,

    Your CMap is very comprehensive. I am wondering if you are able to consolidate some of the information into fewer, but larger bubbles. For instance, in the diversity section, you list all the different types of diversity – but nothing stems from these bubbles – could they be combined into one?

    – I wonder about the rewards and punishments section – you have negative and positive organized together, but the also have separate lines for punishments and rewards. I wonder if you reorganize this section into punishments – + and – as well as rewards + and – if it might streamline it a bit?

    – I don’t see any mention of Piaget (or any theorists) under behaviourism – and if so, can you connect this to mention of Piaget under (cognitivism and constructivism)?

    – your quote by Jones & Bouffard under SEL has opening quotes, but no end quotes

    – I’m not sure about the ??? between connections and connecting (in the cognitivism section)

    I really like the colour coding for different aspects of the theories/development. Great job.


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