Joti’s HDLT Presentation

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3 Responses to Joti’s HDLT Presentation

  1. todd millway says:

    Hi Joti,

    Very comprehensive view of Theory and Learning.
    Haida Gwaii looked amazing and it was great to see the kids out in the environment that they love. The comments on removing kids from the 4 walls of the classroom is so important and more challenging each year.
    Nature vs nurture is always a good discussion. You did a good job of balancing the two with your opinion of the importance of each.
    The spinning head analogy is so spot on for most of the teachers dealing with the new curriculum.
    Learning as “unique process” is a good key point, as like you said, each child brings genetic and previous experiential components to school with them.

    Have a great winter break

  2. simon kwok says:

    Hey Joti,

    I really like how you use different examples to illustrate your points and explained what your own take of what learning and development is. One thing that I wonder: when you talked about how students are learning outside in Haida Gwaii, what differences do you notice versus learning about the same thing in a classroom? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these different learning environments?

    Have a great break!


  3. renuka senaratne says:

    Hi Joti, It was effective to explain the developmental learning processes with Elliot. I like how you made the connection to nature vs nurture and represented that no two children are the same. It was really nice to see the video of the children in Haida Gwaii enjoying learning outside their classroom in the natural environments and the connection you made to learning from Haida elders and being successful in their everday lives and in the future. Seeing the teachers head spinning when thinking about the learning theories and new curriculum made me smile since I related to what you said. Great presentation! You have a talent for using Explain Everything. Hope you enjoy your winter break.

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