Robyn HDLT presentation

I created a Tagul for my presentation – it’s like version of a word cloud, but I was able to assign content to a specific image.


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3 Responses to Robyn HDLT presentation

  1. carrie bourne says:

    Wow Robyn! This looks amazing. I love how you chose the graphic from Darwin’s theory of evolution. This visual, for me, connects to Piaget’s different ages and stages. I see development reflected in this way through the image. The words you used to capture your HDLT were very effective. Very creative! I’ve always loved the effectiveness of the Wordle, even though they are not complete thoughts or sentences, words can express quite clearly a person’s views and beliefs.

  2. angela cowin says:

    I love this Robyn. I think it’s a super creative idea. I really like how it makes one look close and see the connection you made. I also like the different layers of symbols. I enjoy the symbolism of Darwin’s theory of evolution and how each image has varying words. Like Carrie said, I too connect with Piaget and this reminds me of the development stages. Bravo!

  3. cherie nagra says:

    Hi Robyn,
    This is a unique and creative way to express your learning in this class. As mentioned above, the evolutionary theme runs strong in your visual representation, which also cues in Piaget’s ages and stages, nicely done.
    Have a great break!

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