Iren’s HDLT Presentation (iMovie)

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3 Responses to Iren’s HDLT Presentation (iMovie)

  1. belinda scott says:

    HI Iren
    You are true example of a life long learner. I like how you related the theories you have learned in the classroom. What else did Pavlov influence beside knowing why you react to hearing the bell? Providing examples of how diversity have an effect on learning would make your point even stronger. You are wonderful nurturer. Thanks for sharing.

  2. simon kwok says:

    Hey Iren,

    Awesome presentation – I always loved your humour that you brought to the class and your presentation certainly didn’t lack that! It’s great that you share bits of your life as part of your learning theory, and that’s what made your theory…yours! You also included all of the major topics covered in class this term. Fantastic job!

  3. peter ritchie says:

    Hey Iren,

    Overall a great presentation and reflection on your learning this term. You have covered all the concepts covered in the course and your personal examples add a human touch! As a fellow lefty, it is evident that you are passionate about teaching and ensuring that all your students experience a quality and rewarding school experience. I don’t have any suggestions to make improvements because your ideas around development and learning was clear and easy to understand.

    Thanks for sharing!

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