Amy’s HDLT Presentation

Drawings by division 3!
Created using Stop Motion!

Hope you enjoy 🙂

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3 Responses to Amy’s HDLT Presentation

  1. kaitlin cobleigh says:

    Hey Amy,

    Great job with the stop motion. I have used this app a few times and I cannot even imagine how many photos you had to take to get it to look so animated! Great job. I also really liked that you had your students create the artwork for the video, it made it entertaining and I liked seeing their representations of what a “teacher” looks like.

    The idea that we play so many roles is a really good point. Some days you do feel like a motivator or a coach and working with so many different personalities and behaviours you are juggling all of these roles sometimes at once. Another point you brought up that made me think was asking yourself why a student isn’t doing their work and what could be going on there. I often feel the same way, that I just want them to be on task, but this course and your reflection helped to point out that there really are so many factors that could be attributing to them not being able to complete the work (e.g. difficulty with memory, focus etc).

    You did a good job of tying in the theories and theorists we talked about and how you want to work on creating a learning environment where you are keeping these things in mind, such as an optimal ZPD for each child.

    Overall, a really creative and well done presentation. 🙂

  2. irendeep braich says:

    Great job, Amy! I have not used Stop Motion before, but I appreciate the amount of time it goes into making one. Your presentation flowed really well. As a visual person, I appreciated the images that came across as you were speaking. I love the fact that they were illustrations.

    You did very well in summarizing the theories and perspectives we have examined this course. I really like how you related what we have learned to your classroom and instruction. Like you, I often feel like a juggler and get distracted from asking the important question of why a student is not performing or achieving.

    Well done, Amy, on this creative and informative presentation!

  3. jennifer mathis says:

    I really enjoyed your presentation, Amy! I really liked how you referred to both theory and your own thoughts. I like how the selection of images reflects students’ perceptions of roles and possibilities in the classroom. One point I really liked that you made was about how students are often affected by their own perception of their development.

    I can’t think of much to change to improve it. Your combination of reference to theory, explanation of your own thoughts, and illustration through classroom examples was very thorough, effective, and meaningful. One small thing would be to find a way to keep the camera in one exact location, in one precise direction at all times. There was some jumping around of photos. But this is small, and not related to content.

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