
Hi all, try using our site by doing a quick introduction of yourself.


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37 Responses to Introductions

  1. carrie bourne says:

    Hi everyone,
    Carrie Bourne, French Teacher Consultant in the Richmond School District.
    Looking forward to yet another course with you all and to meeting you Shawna!

    • Shawna says:

      I always admire people who can speak another language well enough to teach it! I’m interested in hearing what you do as a French teacher consultant. See you later today.

  2. simon kwok says:

    Hi Shawna,

    I’m Simon Kwok and I’m teaching at Eagle Mountain Middle School (grades 7/8) this year in Anmore. Looking forward to meeting you!

  3. irendeep braich says:

    Hello Shawna and the DLC3 crew,

    My name is Iren Braich and I am teaching Social Studies 8 and English 9 this year at an IB (public) school in North Vancouver.

    Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


    • Shawna says:

      Hi Iren, I might need to pick your brain about IB assessment as I’m teaching a course in January and some of the teacher candidates are in the IB program. Looking forward to meeting you tonight.

  4. olivier salvas says:

    I’m Oli.
    I’m a Grade 7 French Immersion teacher at L’École Bilingue (VSB). 🙂
    See you all tomorrow!

  5. peter ritchie says:

    Hey All,
    My name is Peter and I teach grade 6/7 in Richmond. I hope everyone had a relaxing summer!

  6. belinda scott says:

    It is Belinda. I hope everyone has had a smooth start to their year. I am a District Administrator for New Westminster learning a ton everyday.

    • Shawna says:

      Hi Belinda,

      I’m looking forward to hearing about what you do as a District Administrator, hoping you will share some of the stuff you are learning.
      See you later today.

  7. davinderjit sandhu says:

    My name is Davinder and I teach ELL in Burnaby. Hope everyone had a great summer. See you all tomorrow!

    • Shawna says:

      Hi Davinder,

      I’m wondering if you have your own classroom or if you work more in a resource teacher capacity? I’d be interested in hearing more about your job.

      See you tonight.

  8. sheela john says:

    Hi Shawna,
    I’m Sheela and I’m teaching Grade 5/6 in Vancouver. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

  9. angela cowin says:

    Hi everyone,
    I’m Angela. I teach high school French and French Immersion in Richmond. Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow 🙂

  10. joti chahal says:

    Hey DLC3 and Shawna,

    Hope everyone enjoyed a great summer! I just began a new position within the VSB, working as a Consultant for SET-BC. I might be a little late to class as I have a conference in Richmond tomorrow that is tentatively supposed to end a little after 4pm. See you all tomorrow!

  11. todd millway says:

    Hey Everyone,

    Hope everyone enjoyed the very short and busy summer and that you had at least a little bit of relaxation time. Time to crank up the volume again. Power on!
    Looking forward to challenging my new grade 7 class to create in my constantly evolving makerspace


    • Shawna says:

      Hi Todd,

      Hopefully in this course the power will be on and the volume up to just the right amount :-).

      I’m interested in learning about your makerspace, I haven’t heard of that before. See you tonight.

  12. amelia walker says:

    Hey all,
    Looking forward to seeing all of your beautiful faces tomorrow 🙂
    I’m teaching grade 6/7 at Wolfe Elementary in Vancouver!


    • Shawna says:

      Hi Amy,

      It seems like we have a lot of French teachers AND upper elementary teachers/middle school teachers. As I wrote to Sheela, some interesting developmental stuff happening around those ages. Looking forward to hearing about your classroom.


  13. kaitlin cobleigh says:

    Hi everyone!
    I hope you all had a relaxing August! I currently teach grade 3 French immersion at Brantford Elementary in Burnaby. I have actually had Shawna as my instructor for two courses during my B.Ed. at UBC. 🙂

    • Shawna says:

      Hi Katilin,

      Oh no, you know all my “tricks”, I’m scared!! I’m assuming it was the development and the assessment courses–were you in the large lecture for development?

      See you (again) in a few hours.


  14. renuka senaratne says:

    Hi Everyone, Hard to believe we are already back to class. Hope the start of the school year is going well for everyone. Shawna, I teach in the Surrey School District and I think I will be teaching a straight grade 2 class for the first time after years in grade 3 and 4. See everyone in a little while.

    • Shawna says:

      Hi Renuka,

      Are you happy about the change or do you prefer the 3/4s? I taught most elementary grades but tend to prefer the younger ones–maybe because I’m so immature 😉

      See you in a couple of hours.

  15. jennifer mathis says:

    Hi, I’m Jenn Mathis. I teach at Talmey Elementary in Richmond, probably grade 5/6. It’s a small school, so our class composition can change significantly from year to year. I’m also excited about educational psychology :).

    • Shawna says:

      Hi Jenn,

      I’m glad you are excited about Ed Psych after the first class. I hope I can keep your excitement up the whole term :-).

      Looking forward to a great term with you and your group.

  16. cherie nagra says:

    Hi all,
    Better late than never right? I am teaching at Port Moody Secondary School this year. Accounting 11, Marketing 11/12, and Business Ed 9. Looking forward to this semester.

    • Shawna says:

      Hi Cherie,

      I’m glad you are looking forward to the semester after the first class–always a good sign. You and your cohort were a ton of fun that first class, lots of laughs during the name introduction activity, I can’t wait to learn more about all of you.


  17. sharissa desrochers says:

    Hey people, I’m a shop teacher at Fraser Heights Secondary in Surrey. I’m teaching pre-engineering 10, maker 9 & 11, drafting 11/12, tech explorations 8, and coaching robotics this semester (next semester’s course load is pretty packed, it’s going to be a doozie). I’m excited to announce that I have 6 EDR teams, and 3 IQ teams, totalling 9 teams!!! Yay! Go robots!

    Obviously my reading skills need work, because I didn’t see that we were supposed to introduce ourselves. I think I’m still in rapid lit reading mode from the summer.

    Cheers to a great semester!

    • Shawna says:

      Well, the introduction part was kind of optional so no worries about missing it. What a crazy busy term you have, but sounds so interesting. You’ll have to fill me in on what EDR teams are.

      See you next week.

  18. robyn evans says:

    Ok totally late to the party… Robyn Evans, Teacher Librarian at Irwin Park Elementary School (K-7) in West Vancouver. Have spent the past week trying to be an Anthropologist… tough work!

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