Author Archives: cherie nagra

Cherie Nagra Final CMAP!7283569 Something weird is happening with my CMAP in terms of the size of the canvas.  You will have to zoom in. Try this link:!MzYwOTA0NS83MjgzNTY5LzE5ZjdkMDkzZGQ3N2I2ZDc0OTAxYmU5NDU3ZDZmYWI5?X

Posted in Final CMap Submission | Leave a comment

Cherie Nagra Final HDLT

Cherie Nagra HDLT

Posted in Final HDLT | Leave a comment

Cherie Nagra Final Class Powtoon!

I feel I should write a bit here.  I spent about 7 hours on this powtoon.  It’s my first go with this presentation software, so I had to learn (don’t ask me why I chose to pick something new to … Continue reading

Posted in Final Class | 3 Comments

Cherie Nagra CMAPv2

cherie-nagra-cmap2 Please use the link below if you cannot see all of the info.  

Posted in CMap #2, Concept Map Drop Box | 5 Comments