Author Archives: Shawna

Belinda’s HDLT Presentation

Posted in Final Class | 3 Comments

Final Class Posting Area

Posted in Final Class | 2 Comments

Please Read Attachment Instructions

Attachment Instructions

Posted in CMap #2, Concept Map Drop Box | Leave a comment

Iren’s CMap #2


Posted in CMap #2 | 6 Comments

Renuka’s CMap Draft #1


Posted in CMap #1 | 1 Comment

Cherie’s CMap Draft #1


Posted in CMap #1 | 2 Comments

Oli’s CMap Draft #1


Posted in CMap #1 | 2 Comments

CMap Draft #1

Posted in Concept Map Drop Box | Leave a comment

CMap Information

You can find the cMap tools at: CMap Link In this assignment you will make a PDF copy of your cMap and then submit it here (this means the links that you include are only for you–not for this assignment)

Posted in Concept Map Drop Box | Comments Off on CMap Information


Hi all, try using our site by doing a quick introduction of yourself. Shawna

Posted in Reading Reflections | 37 Comments