Category Archives: Reading Reflections

Renuka’s Final HDLT

Please find the link to my HDLT Keynote presentation. I couldn’t get it to upload so I am including the youtube link below. Each time I face technical difficulties I seem to learn something new. Hope you like my presentation.

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Joti’s HDLT Presentation

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Hi all, try using our site by doing a quick introduction of yourself. Shawna

Posted in Reading Reflections | 37 Comments

Behaviourist Views of Learning

Posted in Reading Reflections | 19 Comments

Cognitive Views of Learning

Posted in Reading Reflections | 20 Comments

Constructivist Views of Learning

Posted in Reading Reflections | 17 Comments

Social Contexts of Learning

Posted in Reading Reflections | 18 Comments

Socio-emotional Learning

Posted in Reading Reflections | 20 Comments


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Self-Regulated Learning

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