Where to get more information?

Of course, the first step to get further information is definitely with your child’s school base team. However, sometimes you might have other questions that cannot be answered, or that the procedures are not as familiar to you as you would like it to be. Here are some places online that you can reach out, 24/7.

https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/assessment – a great place to start to gather information on student’s assessment according to the BC government and Ministry of Education

http://www.ldao.ca/introduction-to-ldsadhd/articles/about-assessment/psychological-assessment-for-lds/– a great place to have questions answered in a psychological perspective

http://uldforparents.com/contents/identifying-and-diagnosing-specific-learning-disabilities/what-to-do-next-a-decision-making-chart-for-parents/ – a great start to understanding assessments and identifying the specific learning disabilites