What’s in my bag?


When I consider what’s in my bag and lay the items out before me in a far neater way than they exist, I’m drawn to the themes of capturing and connecting. I have several journals, both digital and non-digital. I document most of my work and capture my thinking through the app Paper, and when I’m in a rush, my batteries or low, or I don’t feel the content warrants a sketch, I use my ‘analogue’ journals, and these too are categorized. The smooth black one with the solid cover is all ‘business,’ the messy notebooks are for Masters notes, while my wildflower one is for quick ideas to remember for later.

With more profound thought, I suppose I categorize documentation with the tools I choose. For consuming information, synching notes and ‘wrote’ tasks, I use my laptop for creativity, reading, annotating, playing with media; I use my iPad along with my apple pencil with extra tips on hand. The pens I use also communicate what I’m writing. I have a preferred non-digital pen for cursive notes, one for sketches and one for doodles.

I carry charging and connecting cables, and there is almost always one missing. Some of these are newer than others, and as cables change, so do the ways to charge these devices. The absence of a dongle indicates that I’m using airplay connectivity more in my work, and remote connectivity is becoming more available.

I recently noticed that while working remotely and presenting from a cubicle, I need sound-cancelling earphones to help focus and provide better sound quality when engaging with virtual tasks. These are far more robust earphones than I need, but the feel of the memory foam ear and the ease of use were very appealing.

The ‘joy’ texts in this image are what speak to me and my identity. The sage cream that smells like pure essential oil magic, my simple wallet, which contains three cards and lip balm, along with the wildflower journal chosen at a favourite shop on Main St. when shopping with my daughter were all selected for how they make me feel.

It’s safe to say my bag would have been much different 15 years ago, with diapers, bottles, a few soothers and absolutely no digital technology. Based on the texts in this bag, the way I spend my days is far different today!

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