Recently Google has updated its search engine for better search results for users. The update is designed to work out whether a person wants up-to-date results or historical data. Major US firms has said this update of the alterations of the core algorithm would make a difference of about 35% of searches. Moreover, this update has been seen as an major update for the Google search engine, as to make search results more relevant for users and sets apart Google from its competitors. Such as Microsoft’s Bing search engine which put more emphasis on social search.
But as this may be a major challenge for Google, as to determine whether users want more up-to-date informations or historical datas, criticisms has made towards this update. As it may result in a negative impact on the company, effecting more then 35% of the searchers online. Furthermore, introducing the “freshness” idea to the searches people make, may in terms decrease the relevance of the searches and increase spam.