A Step in the Right Direction


With court cases constantly ongoing between the First Nations and our governments, Premier Christy Clark recently addressed First Nations representatives in regards to the alternative solutions to their conflicts. Christy Clark insisted that cooperation and negotiation between the two groups is the best way to move forward, which is something I agree with. I believe that solving problems through negotiations would save our province and taxpayers a substantial amount of money. Furthermore, negotiation could prove to be much more effective than the long and dragged out court cases. For example, with B.C Hydro’s upcoming Site C project would be a good situation to exercise negotiation and cooperation. While it is evident that BC will need more clean energy sooner or later, the construction of a dam would not only severely damage the First Nation’s property, but also create hostility between the government and First Nations. A feasible solution could be for Christy Clark to implement her plans of negotiation and consider alternative sources of energy such as wind power. This way, not only would our future energy needs be satisfied, but the concerns of First Nations would be addressed too. However, while the plans of negotiation are easy to create, both the Government and the First Nations must be lenient and understanding to each other’s concerns in order for both sides to truly cooperate.

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