Impact of Company Culture

A recent study by employment website Monster, has found that college students would accept 7% less starting salary to work for companies with strong corporate cultures and positive work environments. After reading a blog post by hiring website Recruitifi, I have learned that not only do companies with strong cultures have large impacts on recruiting, but also, they seem to have much lower turnover rates. As of 2012, 18% of graduates listed company culture as top priority when searching for employment and after seeing the corporate culture of Zappos, it is  understandable as to why a more enjoyable work experience results in the company reducing turnover and retaining top talent. As seen in the Zappos video showed during class, the employees of a company with strong culture and engaging environment were less likely to leave their jobs, and also had higher productivity rates. According to Recruitifi’s blog, the reduced turnover rate then means the companies would not need to spend time and money in attempt to replace workers, and therefore increase the profit per employee. As someone currently searching for a job, this blog has definitely allowed me to take on the perspective of an employer and understand the difficulties a corporation or employer faces when choosing candidates. For those of us who usually sit at the other end of the interview table, i highly recommend check out Recruitifi’s blog!


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