How could I not post this as this week’s Music Monday?

Anya Marina’s Whatever You Like. Super addicting.
The Arcade Fire- Wake Up
It’s a good song, and a good throw back to when I used to watch Much Music before going to school in the morning. I remember their music videos. And I was a confused young child. It also reminds me of EQAL’s promotional video. Click here to check out the video. Because of the video, all I see is Alicia Silverstone getting out of a pool when I listen to this song. They are the folks behind LonelyGirl15. Never heard of LG15? Google it, it was huge. I even had a small acting role in one of their shows within the LG15 canon. Say whatttt?
Accomplishment: In only a few short days, I have gone from halfway through season 2 of How I Met Your Mother to the season finale of season 4. Legen- wait for it- dary!
Oh yeah, attention all prospecteeves, I’m going to be a Residence Advisor in Totem Park next year. See you then.
I know. I’ve disappeared again. The Olympics and time spent building forts have swallowed me up. But I’m back and running around like crazy to get everything done before the semester ends. This week’s Music Monday should be the Coca Cola “Open Happiness” song since I can’t get it out of my head after numerous visits to their Happiness House, but instead I’m going to showcase something a little less Olympic.
Flume- Bon Iver
Btw. This weekend, I’ve learned that cool things are from Islands.
Kid Cudi- Cudderisback warning: explicit language
This song is dedicated to a good friend, who I actually heard a rumour about this weekend that he saved six kittens from a house fire. I hear it’s all the talk at his school right now. Obviously, because of his heroic actions, he deserves a Music Monday dedication. This one is for you, Ethan Craft.
Vampire Weekend- California English
No word of a lie, this is the only copy of the song I could find on YouTube that wasn’t live. Enjoy this crazy arm flailing girl.
Just bought: A longboard and maple candies
My bank account is: Hurting, especially after the purchase of the maple candies… I mean longboard. And UBC Food Services is going to swallow up more of it soon.
Money can fall out of the sky if: I sell my Olympic tickets on the fan to fan section of
What I really want is: Cheaper tickets to see Phoenix next time.
The cost to legally obtain Photoshop for VISA 110: Outrageous.
Voting in the AMS Elections: Priceless.
Today, I went to the Residence Advisor Alumni Night in Marine Drive Residence. In this photo, alumni of UBC who were also Residence Advisors put together a panel to talk about their experiences. Matt Corker was there too, because he is everywhere at UBC. I just noticed the other day that he’s the guy from one of the “Youbc” pre-admissions site videos that I watched before I accepted my offer of admission last year. I should have guessed that he was an RA. You might be able to see his fo-hawk in the front row. Hey Matt!
Just to let you know, I’d absolutely love the chance to be a RA and mentor a whole floor of first years. I applied and we’ll see what the universe has planned out for me. If not, I’ve got my sights set on being a part of the lovely TPRA next year. Woo endless amounts of student involvement!
Today I bought an almost nude UBC Men’s Rugby Team calender when they conveniently showed up at my dorm room door. It’s pretty hilarious and I’ll admit they are pretty good looking. You know how it is, I’m supporting UBC Varsity Athletics, I’ll do whatever it takes even if it means buying photos of good looking men or having them autograph their month in the calendar. It’s tough stuff supporting UBC Athletics but someone needs to do it.
Also, this week the VASA/AHSA (the cool kids club that I’m a part of) has the “Im/Perfect Bodies” art exhibit in the Sub Gallery. Go check it out! I’ll be volunteering there during the week for Arts Week. It’s wicked cool because there is art from non-visual arts students and photos of Ski and Board Club guys kicking each other in their manly areas. Go!
Now for some music. I wasn’t sure what to choose for this. Lately, It’s been Tegan and Sara, Phoenix, Jack Johnson and the Hood Internet. That’s my diet. School already is super busy, super cool, and super nuts all at the same time. It’s only the second week and I can feel the pressure building. I need to study some French vocab tonight, read some poetry for English Lit, and my “To Do’s” in my dorm room reads, “buy Katie a kitten or puppy!” So I better get on that.
Here is Don’t Haunt This Place by The Rural Alberta Advantage. Kyle R is jumping up and down as he reads his RSS and finds out that I’m posting music he introduced me to. Guess who has tickets to see them and City and Colour during the Olympics, Kyle?
Tegan & Sara- Back In Your Head
This week’s Music Monday features Tegan and Sara, our very own from Vancouver, because this Wednesday I’ll be sitting six rows away from them as they play their little hearts out.
Best of luck to everyone with the new semester.
Dearest VISA courses, please be good to me.
Here is my ultimate Music Monday filled with internet goodies and music to end the year in the proper fashion. Currently, I’m at home in Niagara Falls with my two kitties Digger and Sandy and some good old Marble Slab to eat during my Dorm Life Season 2 marathon.
The best things about being home is..
trying to drive in snowy conditions,
going to Sobeys, the awesome 24 hour grocery store, with your friends in the middle of the night when you are hungry,
watching home town hockey,
turkey soup,
and finding old clothes in your closet that you forgot about that feel new again that you’ll bring back to school in January.
As I mentioned, I’m on a Dorm Life marathon. If you haven’t watched it yet, it’s probably because my RA hasn’t met you yet and hasn’t preached the good word of Dorm Life to you on a regular basis. I didn’t hear about it until I met her when I moved into res and ran into all of her promotional posters in the halls telling our floor to watch it. It took me until now to give it a serious chance and I’m addicted. It’s actually very true to residence life and follows the same kind of comedy as the office. If you watch it from the beginning, you’ll get a lot of the inside jokes.
Below is one of my favourite episodes where some of the floormates go to a Frat party which is a regular thing first-years do at UBC. The floormates who don’t go get high in the RA’s room while he’s gone, which isn’t a regular thing first-year things do at UBC. Less than regular.. more like never. Check out the episode below!
Now for some music. This video is worth watching, it’s a wrap up of the Top 25 hits of 2009 by DJ Earworm called Blame It On The Pop. It’s actually pretty amazing.
Some lessons in music, do not get the iTunes fever and start downloading everything that you find that sounds good. Happened to me for the first time this Winter Break, not good for the credit card.
For a new song, check out Phoenix, iTunes listed their song 1901 as one of the top songs of the year.
Their best & stuck in my head & the anthem to my winter break:
And as a little treat for you, check out the really creepy giant poster I have of myself in my room back at home next to my luggage. Happy Hew Years! Vancouver 2010!
I have finished all of my exams. I’m now sitting back at home on my couch in Ontario. I just finished watching Pride and Prejudice with my Momma. Since I’ve been home, I’ve watched all the Christmas specials and movies television has been able to offer me. I’ve picked out all the flaws in Elf. After watching The Holiday, I’m ready to begin my crush on Jude Law. I don’t feel like Term 2 is right around the corner, only fourteen days around the corner, and that the new semester means that I no longer need to wake up for 9am classes all week long. The only catch to this perfect timetable that provides more sleep time is my new commitment to Wednesdays. They will be full of academic learning from 6pm-10pm all semester long. Yippy.
In celebration of Christmas this week and my new love for Glee (yes I’ve jumped on that bandwagon), here is the cast’s rendition of Last Christmas for today’s Music Monday.
ps. I have just fallen in love with eggnog for the first time.