Hello world! 1:1

Hello, I go by Erica and this class is helping me to complete my first undergrad in History and in English. I am enjoying and yet overwhelmed by online classes and I took this course in hopes of educating myself in the world of blogs and Canadian literature simultaneously.

I am, like I said, new the world of blogging and online discourse but I am really excited and reading all of your guys blogs has really inspired me to give it go myself. I am currently in the middle of my third and fourth year at UBC and currently have taken a interest in the theory of language. What I mean by that is the methods in which writers, theorist, historians, journalists, etc use to evoke a response, lately I find my responses to the literature I have been assigned to one, of curiously and confusion. I personally think that is the best combination. I love when a piece of writing or presentation stops my ever-changing, constantly active crazy mind, and forces it to focus on the ideas presented, this is what I hope and am certain this class will provide.

For a little background and step outside my mind palace (any Sherlock fans out there?).  I grew up in Colorado and moved to Canada when I was sixteen. I was adopted at birth from two amazing people and identify with my birth father as a member of the Kiowa tribe.  The Kiowa tribe are plains people known for the hunting and horse riding ability, an activity I have pursued since I could sit on a horse. This and Canadian literature go hand in hand for me, Canada has such a rich aboriginal history and I am eager to explore it. I was first exposed to Canadian literature in my first year of university and have been wanting to revisit it ever since. One of the most memorable books I encounter was The Imaginary Indian by Daniel Francis, here is the hyperlink incase any of you guys are interested, its amazing read, http://www.danielfrancis.ca/books/imaginary-indian. As much as I identify with my tribe I was raised in a non Kiowa household by two amazing and unique parents. My dad is a sailor and my mom is every bit a feminist as you can be, well they both are. So I was raised to believe everyone in every light is equal and the human race should be celebrated equally. One way I really like to express this, or to celebrate feminism is through photography and movements based around photography. One movement or project I follow closely is Project Unbreakable, where victims of sexual assaults take back the words used to hurt them, http://projectunbreakable.tumblr.com/ it is well worth your time. I know this course isn’t intentionally focused on feminism or gender studies but I believe all literature reveals an observation on gender and I hope that is topic our class at least touches on.

I will finish up with a photo that I hopes give you all an insight into my crazy mind thats full of curiosity, understanding, eagerness and compassion .This photo is a funny quote that outlines how I see the world, I think the smallest things can have the biggest impacts.


I am really looking forward to this class and learning with you guys!


Talk soon,



work cited

Francis, Daniel. “The Imaginary Indian:The Image of the Indian in Canadian Culture” Daniel Francis: Reading the National      Narrative. Web. 18 May 2015.

Tumblr. “Project Unbreakable”. Web. 18 May 2015.


One thought on “Hello world! 1:1

  1. Hello Erika … opps. Erica; I am very happy to welcome you to our course of studies together. We will indeed be looking at Daniel Francis’s ‘Imaginary Indian.’ And, yes, there is plenty of space for creating dialogues around gender in our course – it is up to you. I think you will enjoy this summer’s course and look forward to working together with you. Enjoy

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