Reflections on Home

First off I just want to say I loved reading everyones stories. Each one was so interesting and authentic I really felt connected to others experiences on trying to define home. I noticed at least three things that seemed to be a common theme, that being a sense of home as a comfort not necessarily a grounded place, next being home as having the potential to existing in more than one place at once, and lastly that home its ever changing. These were not the only commonality I found, but these were the ones I related to most.

Starting with  home as an abstract concept, that doesn’t require a physical address is a concept very close to my heart. As said in my previous blog I came from a few different homes and have since moved around quite a lot. I grew up in Conifer Colorado, moved to Calgary when I was 16 and then onto Kelowna for university, I am current in Vancouver, and will be going to the University of East Angelia for my fall semester. So I really relate to not putting my values in a physical location by a feeling of comfort and safety, which I have been so lucky to find in all of those places.

Secondly the idea that home can be in more place than one is very related to my first point, but does stand on its own. I have found that my sense of home rests in my relationships with loved ones regardless of location. I have my parents in Colorado along with two of my childhood best friends, my sister in Kelowna, two ‘best friends’ that term doesn’t do it justice in Calgary, and my boyfriend out here in Vancouver with me. These relationships are so important to me and it is in them that I can find a sense of home in a new places so many times over.

Lastly is the fact that home is constantly changing, I don’t think this needs too much explanation. Other than the fact that our world is in a constant state of change and that at this point in my life, I can’t tell you what I’m doing five minutes from now or who will pop into my life for the better. Home as a sense of comfort is of course going to change, but it is important that it does. For me change inspires the best opportunities in life, if my environment hadn’t changed so much I wouldn’t of had so many great loving relationships that I value so much today.

I loved reading all the blogs and am happy and admittedly a little relieved that I was able to relate to so many of them, and that it seems everyone showed a little vulnerability with a subject that hits so close to home.


thanks for reading!


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