Progression of China as People Retreat

China has been one of the few economic growing powers in the world recently, and in order for this to continue, there have been suggestions that a solid base of domestic consumer should be established. In a country where nationalized firms and huge corporates are favored over individual business and small trades, the gap between the rich and poor is immense.

With decreasing foreign buyer power as global economy struggles, it is important that Chinese domestic people spend. Without spending, even the Chinese economy might encounter similar financial hardship and slow growth like the current U.S, Japan, and most of European nations.

However, research demonstrates that it was actually the saving not the spending that had created the foundation for current economic growth in China as these savings go into run large banks in the nation. This becomes interesting as this analysis states that as the nation progresses, people are rather getting poorer and they are losing even more buyer power.

In that case, what would be the ideal move for the Chinese government? Should they encourage spending or saving? With current economic struggle that most countries are facing, China’s action, without a doubt, is attracting lots of attention.

European Crisis Getting Better?

The European economic crisis has been endlessly aggravating, and Greece is no longer able to sustain itself financially. Two major economic leaders of Europe, Germany and France declared that they are very near to recapitalizing banks.

In spite of this hopeful and confident statement, neither is sure as to exactly what they need to do to actually put this into action. This major announcement occurred on the same day that the governments of France, Belgium and Luxemburg, nationalized Dexia, the biggest bank in Belgium. This bank was the first to be victimized by the European crisis.

The impact is massive, as major banks in Europe are also put under pressure. From a foreigner’s perspective, this is interesting and worrying. The global effect will be unavoidable and Germany and France’s confident yet somewhat bold statement may be disappointing and unreliable.

European people are beginning to look themselves from an outsiders’ view and are slowly changing their customer habits, spending less, and trusting banks less. It will be interesting to see how Germany and France act to support their words, and enhance the crisis.


High School Entrepreneurship in an Innovative Fashion

TruantToday is a messaging service company founded by two high school entrepreneurs, Zak Kukoff and Jonathan Yan, that notifies parents instantaneously via text and email when students cut or “skip” their classes. The group’s objective is to decrease absence and restore state and federal financing to school districts, which can lose as much as $50 each day that a student is missing.

This practical and somewhat simple-minded idea has transformed into an influential business helping schools and governments save tremendous amount of money, as well as motivating students to attend classes more. The project will be receiving $500,000 of funding for having an innovative idea, and such kind of reward gives hope and motivation for everyday people that are looking to start their own business.

TruantToday is further looking into expanding service all over the U.S, and this will be a positive influence as schools will save money and students will receive better grades, efficiently maximizing the full potential of education. A variety of analysis indicates that this will alter the minds of students as well, since they know the consequences of cutting their classes. With such enterprise, financially and morally, society and individuals can gain and improve.

The Impact of iPhone 4s

Yes, iPhone 4s! Apple, after delaying the release dates of iPhone 5 a multiple times, has disappointed the world by announcing their release of iPhone 4S. Stocks have dropped significantly, $20 decline to around $355 per share, demonstrating the rapid response of discontented people. In spite of the low expectations about iPhone 4, Apple was able to surprise and impress customers with the smooth iOS UI remain and the retina display. This led to even higher expectation for customers.

For the first time in a while, this Apple will encounter a huge competition. In spite of the incremental software and hardware upgrade the iPhone 4s has made, average customers are more willing to wait, and see if iPhone 5 will make an even greater enhancement.  With iPhone4s’s current and future competitors such as Samsung’s Galaxy S II and Nexus Prime, Apple will likely have to engage in a war with these rivals.

Apple’s decision to release iPhone4 had its reasons. But they may not be important elements for customers when they make decisions to purchase a new phone. With such information, it will be interesting to see how iPhone 4s performs in the market.