The Impact of iPhone 4s

Yes, iPhone 4s! Apple, after delaying the release dates of iPhone 5 a multiple times, has disappointed the world by announcing their release of iPhone 4S. Stocks have dropped significantly, $20 decline to around $355 per share, demonstrating the rapid response of discontented people. In spite of the low expectations about iPhone 4, Apple was able to surprise and impress customers with the smooth iOS UI remain and the retina display. This led to even higher expectation for customers.

For the first time in a while, this Apple will encounter a huge competition. In spite of the incremental software and hardware upgrade the iPhone 4s has made, average customers are more willing to wait, and see if iPhone 5 will make an even greater enhancement.  With iPhone4s’s current and future competitors such as Samsung’s Galaxy S II and Nexus Prime, Apple will likely have to engage in a war with these rivals.

Apple’s decision to release iPhone4 had its reasons. But they may not be important elements for customers when they make decisions to purchase a new phone. With such information, it will be interesting to see how iPhone 4s performs in the market.

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