Working in Wall Street

While common conception of working in Wall Street is high pay, respect, authority and power, many young workers have more to say.

Mr.Ferdman, 28, was laid off only 6 months after he was hired, for the second time since 2008. As people like Mr.Ferdman increase, frustration in the labour force is growing and students in MBA are less motivated to go into finance or accounting, specializations that are hired most frequently in Wall Street.

Many laid-off workers claim that they are now looking for smaller firms outside new york where they can have more stable jobs instead of high salary, style and admirable jobs that high-achievers shoot for in Wall Street.

This may be a negative influence for firms in Wall Street as young employees are less likely to work as hard and demonstrate loyalty for their companies. However, from a macro perspective, spreading of bright and high achieving individuals may reduce the dependence the world has on Wall Street. Without a doubt, there are still lots of young people that attend the prestigious schools, have wide network, and are very talented in their jobs. But it no longer seems important in Wall Street.

Emergence of Private Hospitals in Canada

Health Care” by Maria Fung, addresses the issue of rising private hospitals that charge patients, which to a large group of people, seem unconstitutional.

Ethically and politically, it is true that charging patients in Canada is “not Canadian.” However, in terms of business, such ventures can be extremely profitable and be rather helpful social enterprise for community.

Long lines are not the only disturbance of universal health care. The government is unable to provide enough medical tools, doctors, and technology in a timely fashion. For example, a long line of people in emergency centres defeats the purpose of “emergency centre.”

If what the government desires is to – keep everyone healthy, and continue economic growth – then private hospitals can improve everyone’s well-being.

Implementation of private hospitals does not mean that some people won’t be receiving medical care; it does mean, however, that the ones unsatisfied can have the option to pay for extra care. After all, a hospital is a health-care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Why, then, should such socially caring institution that can create jobs and increase revenues for business and for economy as a whole, viewed negatively? It may be an issue that people should reconsider.

Sharing And Money

I Just Want to Pass”, a blog by Naheel Jawaid reveals an interesting venture that:

1. Promotes students to write clean and quality notes and sell off internet to make money.

2. A firm that raises money by simply charging transactions.

3. Allows students to gain access to valuable, great notes to help their learning.

With such profitable social enterprise that helps all individuals involved in the business, the market is rapidly growing and more firms with similar ideas are launching their platforms. This phenomenon is a positive change for community as more jobs are being created and more individuals are being helped.

An increase in such websites also raises the ability of students to research/network on the internet, adding to the academic help they may receive from the site.

A personal experience with a similar website demonstrated to me that it can be more efficient with easy search engine tools, fast transaction of information and lots of participants.

This prospective market will grab even more attention in future; and carefully observing to see how it benefits society will be interesting.

A Need for Cooperation for Weight Loss

Tina Rosenberg, blogger of “For Weight Loss, a Recipe of Teamwork and Trust“, demonstrates the importance of teamwork and cooperation in order to effectively help lower obesity of individuals.

As a group of people motivate each other, going on a diet becomes easier. Rosenberg, through several experiments, reveals when a group consisting of around 12 people meet regularly to discuss and find solutions to help lose weight, the results come out quicker and more effectively.

One method displayed in the blog is when leaders/firms give the participants a certain amount of reward (i.e; money, food, etc), they are more likely to get involved and the results come faster.

Many enterprises are coming into this industry, creating cross-functional and problem solving teams to help and create a team approach to weight loss. Such social enterprise helps both the overweight individuals, that reduces many potential illness resulting from obesity and also creates a profitable business that can gain multifarious customers and implement more business opportunities and jobs.

Please read the link under if you are interested in this issue!

Entrepreneurship and Walmart

As technology improves, communication around the globe is becoming easier, more efficient and more effective. As a result, more international entrepreneurs are exploring foreign nations and discovering new paths for success over the globe.

Sam Walton, founder of Walmart, is an entrepreneur that possesses all the necessary qualities to be successful. His value of home town identity where each customer is warmly welcomed by the workers is the company’s prime foundation of success. In addition, Walmart’s policy of – donation to charities and the low price and low line up for buyers – make the company more attractive and likeable for customers.

Although he started the business with only $25,000, Sam Walton was able to turn the business into a corporation with 600,000 workers. In spite of his risky start, his values and work have made him become wealthy and a successful entrepreneur. It may be very crucial for rising entrepreneurs to look at Walton’s example and gain insights to become a better, innovative entrepreneur.


Opportunities in Greece

With Greece desiring to abandon euro to devalue the debt they owe, there arises a huge concern for other European nations trying to save the economy.

Surprisingly, there are people willing to invest on Greece, as they believe “things are dynamic and rapidly changing.” Politically and ethically, this is a huge risk as endless attempts are being made to rescue Greece from current crisis.

As major financial institutions in Europe become short of capital and multifarious transactions are being made(meaning rapid cash flow), private equity will have the funds to invest and play, and they have opportunities to make a fortune in a collapsing economy. In addition, banks may have to reduce their balance sheet to hurriedly find a method to substitute the capital that was put to call debt in Greece.

One way investors can make money is to invest in emerging market hedge funds.  Experts state that “emerging markets start off in a better place if there is a downturn in the global economy and a reversal in commodity prices”.

Tremendous amount of money is flowing into emerging markets and the currencies. This risky yet potentially profitable investment will be an interesting topic to observe for investment companies over the world.