Sharing And Money

I Just Want to Pass”, a blog by Naheel Jawaid reveals an interesting venture that:

1. Promotes students to write clean and quality notes and sell off internet to make money.

2. A firm that raises money by simply charging transactions.

3. Allows students to gain access to valuable, great notes to help their learning.

With such profitable social enterprise that helps all individuals involved in the business, the market is rapidly growing and more firms with similar ideas are launching their platforms. This phenomenon is a positive change for community as more jobs are being created and more individuals are being helped.

An increase in such websites also raises the ability of students to research/network on the internet, adding to the academic help they may receive from the site.

A personal experience with a similar website demonstrated to me that it can be more efficient with easy search engine tools, fast transaction of information and lots of participants.

This prospective market will grab even more attention in future; and carefully observing to see how it benefits society will be interesting.

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