Working in Wall Street

While common conception of working in Wall Street is high pay, respect, authority and power, many young workers have more to say.

Mr.Ferdman, 28, was laid off only 6 months after he was hired, for the second time since 2008. As people like Mr.Ferdman increase, frustration in the labour force is growing and students in MBA are less motivated to go into finance or accounting, specializations that are hired most frequently in Wall Street.

Many laid-off workers claim that they are now looking for smaller firms outside new york where they can have more stable jobs instead of high salary, style and admirable jobs that high-achievers shoot for in Wall Street.

This may be a negative influence for firms in Wall Street as young employees are less likely to work as hard and demonstrate loyalty for their companies. However, from a macro perspective, spreading of bright and high achieving individuals may reduce the dependence the world has on Wall Street. Without a doubt, there are still lots of young people that attend the prestigious schools, have wide network, and are very talented in their jobs. But it no longer seems important in Wall Street.

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