Starbuck on rails

Since its foundation in Seattle in 1971, Starbuck expanded in all the world, becoming one of the world leaders in coffee shop market. And Starbuck pays attention to maintain this leadership. This is why Starbuck tries to be innovative and at the same time to reach new markets. This is why on the 21st of November Starbuck will open a new store in a train.
Un Starbucks sur rail.

People were used in the trains to find a little snack store. It was usually impersonal and from an unknown company, what didn’t attract so much people. However, with the opening of a store in the train Starbuck is becoming a leader on this market. The company uses a market development strategy, given it reaches new markets with an existing marketing offering. Thanks to its brand name, Starbuck knows people will be attracted to come to its store to buy its products. Indeed, consumers know the quality of Starbuck products, which was not the case with the actual stores in most of the trains.
Moreover, Starbuck gets innovative by creating a true coffee shop in the train. Consumers can just stop at the take-away as it is common in actual stores in trains, but Starbuck also creates a true cafe where people can sit, chat, relax, in a nice, cosy and friendly environment. It goes without saying Starbucks tries to answer to consumers’ needs, and to what they have been waiting for in trains. They are trying to make consumer’s trips more comfortable and enjoyable, and in a way travellers will feel valuable for Starbuck and will be thankful for that.

What Starbuck did is a really powerful strategy in the way they are certain to reach perfectly this new market, but they also increase the fidelity of their actual consumers.

Mc donalds and children

One of the most popular meals for children at McDonalds, is the Happy Meal. Children love it because they usually get a toy with it. However Mc Donalds is usually criticized to have a too aggressive marketing plan with children, and Happy Meal are usually seen by parents as too fatty. To counter this image, Mc Donalds decided to offer during two weeks in November 2013, some books with the Happy Meals, instead of toys. According to McDonalds, those attractive books for children aim at providing children nutrition training

To me, it seems to be clear that with this marketing campaign Mc Donalds’ objective is to counter critics on Happy Meal – and thus to improve their image with parents who have children. If they started this campaign, this means that children are an important target market to them and they did not manage to reach in the best way they could before. Thus Mc Donalds tries to show the importance they give to nutrition for children. And this action is reinforced by their previous campaigns offering fruits in their Happy Meals. Moreover, this marketing is strong in the way that Mc donalds brings some ethics by offering 100,000 books to needless children. To this way, Mc donalds really wants to improve its image with parents, so as to attract more and more children.
However this marketing strategy can be critized in the way that children reading the books offered by Mc Donalds can easily associate Mc donalds and nutrition – while it has been proved Fast Foods can lead to obesity. Moreover, parents may have reasons to believe that this marketing campaign is just a way to attract children by promoting a message they don’t respect themselves, given the relation between Fast Foods and Obesity. It may be reasons for why parents could find this campaign ironical and hypocritical, and restrain them from going to Mc Donalds. As a result, this can explain why Mc Donalds France decided not to offer books dealing with nutrition.