Toys ‘R’ us and gender marketing in UK

On her blog Kristen Chase writes an article explaining Toys ‘R’ Us decided to stop gender marketing in their stores in UK.
Usually, in each store there was a specific part of the store dedicated only for boys with boys-toys, and another part of the store dedicated for girls with girls-toys. On ads, boys were playing with toys labelled for boys and girls with toys labelled for girls. This is called gender marketing: we target only boys for some toys and only girls for some others.
However in the UK, she puts forward that they stopped practising gender marketing after “Let Toys be Toys” campaign. This campaign claimed that each toy should be for boys and girls.

Kristen Chase puts forward this is a really good thing that Toys ‘R’ Us in UK changed their marketing strategy, and we can easily guess she is confident in the fact consumers will enjoy it.
First, to me in a way she is right, we can say Toys ‘R Us made a good thing with this marketing campaign, given they expand each toy to more consumers. Indeed, girls will buy toys they would have never bought, and boys will do the same. Moreover, by this change in its marketing strategy, Toys ‘R’ Us wants to show they listen and pays attention to societal debate, and the company is ready to adapt to meet the social improvement in our societies to satisfy the consumer.

However it may be badly seen by many consumers who will put forward Toys ‘R’ Us takes sides in a controversial debate, and wants to pay attention to a minority of people fighting against gender marketing. Thus in my opinion some consumers might prefer going to another shop to resist to what they would qualify of a political action through marketing.

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