List 2 – Gunnera manicata
Gunnera manicata (giant gunnera)
Family: Gunneraceae
USDA Hardiness Zone: 7-10
- 8-14 ft wide
- 6-10 ft tall
- Large, rounded clump
Soil & Water requirements:
- Constantly moist to wet soil
- Does well in boggy conditions
- Fertile; hummus rich soil
- Rarely succeeds in hot, dry climates
- Part shade
- Needs a mild location; not to exceed 100-200m above sea level
- In cooler areas with high wind levels, place in a sheltered location
- Leaves are wrinkly and rough on top; sandpaper texture
- Petiole and backs of leaves are prickly
- 3m long petiole with leaves up to 3m across
- Leaves remain horizontal
- Foliage dies back in winter to reveal a hairy crown
- Herbaceous perennial
- Cone-like inflorescence
- Bloom time: June to July
- Orange, berry-like
- Before winter, cut leaves and lay upside-down over the crown; this protects against damage over the winter
Suitable uses:
- Water’s edge
- Bold waterside feature
- Pond, bog, water gardens
- Large gardens; parks
- Requires lots of space; one of the largest herbaceous perennials
- Can be confused with gunnera tinctoria; a similar, weedy species; not as large