Task 1: What’s In Your Bag?

Hello! My name is Erin Duchesne, a grade 1 teacher in Edmonton Alberta and here is what is in my bag!
Items: current book (The Alchemist), extra mask, reusable bamboo cutlery, reusable collapsable metal straw, cell phone, car/house/mailbox keys, hand sanitizer, reusable water bottle, school keys, wallet, extra headphones, lip balm, lunch bag, laptop.

This is the bag that got me through four years of undergrad and now acts as the bag I take to work everyday as a teacher and my carry on bag when I travel.  These items subtly say a lot about me- light packer, efficient, reader, apple user, Albertan, and cares about sustainability. My tendency to travel light is very much the same when it comes to other aspects of my life. For example I do not keep anything in my car, all of my teaching resources are digital so I do not have any paper copies or binders in my classroom, and I have only a few apps on my phone. Most of the time when I am out and about I only take my cellphone with my license and debit card hidden in the case and my car keys- so this depicts the most that I would ever carry. The bag itself is also a very conscious choice. I love using a backpack because then I always have two arms free and don’t get a sore arm or shoulder from carrying a heavy purse on one side of my body. I specifically bought this bag (ok well actually I got it as a Christmas gift) because it has so many compartments! A fleece-lined pocket specifically for a laptop, waterproof compartment for food, water bottle holders with straps so it does not fall out, small pocket in the front for my wallet and keys, and so many little pockets for everything!

My text technologies (literacy and digital literacy) include my laptop, cell phone and book which show that I like to have means of entertainment and information readily available in multiple forms. I believe the items in my bag represent me quite well in that I do not like clutter, I love reading and using technology on a daily basis and also reflects my past self and what I would have carried for the past 10 years or so.  If a future archeologist were to dig up this bag and contents in particular, they would see that in this time period our society values compact technology, reusable items, and being socially connected. They would also see that I still cary around my University of Alberta ID from when I was 18 in the front of my wallet that expired years ago. Why? 1. it used to be my bus pass, 2. the photo is much better than my license photo, and 3. it gets me student pricing to museums and other experiences when I travel! (they never actually look at the expiration date).

4 thoughts on “Task 1: What’s In Your Bag?

  1. jade lee

    Hi Erin!
    Thank you for your post! I love how similar the contents of our bags are that showcases both our professional and personal lives. I always have a books in my bag as well, and one of my favourites is “The Alchemist!” If you have not read “Manuscript found in Accra” then I highly recommend it! Being a teacher librarian, I am always looking for new apps and programs to use with primary classes that promote digital literacy and citizenship. What are you using?

    1. erin duchesne Post author

      Thank you Jade,

      I will have to add Manuscript Found in Accra to my list! One of my favourite digital tools for grade 1 is the Website Abracadabra https://literacy.concordia.ca/abra/en/. It is designed to improve phonological awareness and phonics and there are so many fun games, my students love it and I also use it during intervention. Not exactly for citizenship, but it is a great way to combine literacy and digital literacy!

  2. Jocelyn Chan

    Hi Erin,

    As you pointed out, we do have very similar packing styles! Your description of your items resonates with me a lot — especially about not keeping things in the car, having digital copies as opposed to paper (I sign up for the digital version of mail wherever possible, and if anything slips by and gets to my physical mailbox, I scan it to the cloud and recycle the paper immediately!), and having just a few apps.

    How are you enjoying The Alchemist? I haven’t had the chance to read it yet but have definitely seen lots of quotes from it in social media!

    1. erin duchesne Post author

      Hi Jocelyn,

      I just finished the Alchemist and it really reminded me of another book I recently read called “The Greatest Salesman in the World.” They both have very similar settings and themes and I liked The Greatest Salesman a lot more (5 stars!) so I recommend that one!


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