Task 5: Twine

Alien Invasion.html.zip

Click on the link above to access my Twine game- Alien Invasion.

What I thought would take maybe an hour turned into a full day’s work trouble shooting, watching tutorials and asking for help. I started by spending some time thinking about what I want my game to be about and what I want it to accomplish. Thinking back a few days to a PD session held at my school on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) which will be one of my school’s main focuses next year, I wanted to create something that would fit into SEL in some way. The idea behind this storyline is that communication is key to solving your problems and understanding each other.

Building the story was quite easy and fun to decide what options to include and where I wanted the direction of my game to lead players to end up at the same place- a solution through simple communication. My difficulties began when I tried to insert images into my Twine. After some trial and error I finally found a strategy of selecting the right line of code from the image worked very well and it was easy to repeat the process for each passage. The real difficulty I face was how to download my game so it could be played by others. After much frustration and trying work around after work around I finally found what was wrong (hours later). My browser (Safari) was not compatible! It was quick and easy to copy and past everything into a new Twine in a Chrome browser and finally everything worked as it should!

I learned a lot about simple coding, trouble shooting and creating Twines during this process and would like to look further into adding sound, movement and changing colours in the future.