Task 6: An Emoji Story


For this task I chose a movie I know the best and that many others would know as well to make it easier to follow along and understand the plot. I tried several different movies before deciding on this one but was surprised with how limiting the emojis are even though there are hundreds to choose from. I mostly focused on the concepts from the movie to try and show what was happening rather than focusing on trying to use the emojis to sound out words like a game of charades. I started with the title and as you can see I did not try to sound out the word, but chose two emojis that embody what the movie is about. From there I tried my best to think of the movie chronologically and not jump ahead to the main events. It was difficult to decide what scenes to include or omit based on their relevance in the story or whether or not there were emojis that I could use to represent the scene. It was interesting to see that some very long segments of the movie could be represented by one emoji while some very short segments required several lines to get all the important details across.