

Note: Although not central to the intent of Inquiry Seminar I, instructors will help candidates anticipate the creation of a portfolio at the end of the program. As such teacher candidates will be encouraged to make collections of unabridged versions of all course assignments—practicum inquiry journal, units of study, teacher and student-made materials or videos of teaching, in a ‘working portfolio.’ Items in the working portfolio will be used to create a ‘presentation portfolio’ compiled for the expressed purpose of giving others (e.g., instructors, peers, interview board) a portrait of your professional competence.

This assignment will be used as a formative (ongoing) measurement of your progress throughout your experiences in the Bachelor of Education Program.

An e-Portfolio is a place to reflect. Reflection provides the analysis and insight that fuel your process of discovery and teaching improvement. Information about this process, in the form of reflective statements, is the core of your portfolio. Without the analysis and evaluation inherent in the reflective process, your teaching practices and achievements are isolated events from which there is very little chance for understanding or improvement. Reflective statements are by nature personal accounts and can have as much variety in content and style. Often they tend to include one or more of these features:

  • Self evaluation with respect to a learning experience
  • The relation of teaching practice to student learning
  • Connections between ideas and practice
  • Ideas for future changes in practice
  • Questions that have arisen as a result of learning


This page will be filled with resources and examples of e-folios as you inquire and develop your own this year.

The Why and How for efolio

Please note that the Faculty of Education efolio blog https://blogs.ubc.ca/portfolio/ and UBC’s ePortfolio wiki http://wiki.ubc.ca/Documentation:Eportfolio_Basics/Elearning both contain detailed information and handy tips on how to set up an eP.

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