I am a registered Dental Hygienist in Ottawa, Ontario. I have been working in a clinical setting for the past two years and although I love what I do, I want to have opportunities for growth in my future. I have a certificate in Pre-Health Science and an advanced diploma in Dental Hygiene. Having my diploma allows me to work as a dental hygienist in clinical settings but if I want to explore different avenues such as education or research, I would need to have a degree.

Currently, I am enrolled at UBC to get my Bachelor of Dental Science in Dental Hygiene. Having this degree will allow me to have more career opportunities in the future.  Another academic interest of mine is to potentially further my education more and get a Masters in Craniofacial science.

My professional interests include being active in the dental community, advocating for dental hygienists’ autonomy, educating dental hygiene students and keeping up to date with the latest research. At this point in my life I do not know whether I would prefer to work in education or research. I do think working part time in a clinic and also being a professor for students in a dental hygiene program would be great. However, I can also see myself enjoying the research side of things.

I am eager to see where my academic and professional interests take me. I know my passion for helping others is strong and my interest in dental studies will continue to grow.

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