ENG 301 is an online technical writing course offered at UBC. This course involves the study of principles of written and online communications in business and professional contexts. ENG 301 will also teach you how to prepare abstracts, proposals, applications, and reports.

The course objectives are to introduce you to distinctive elements of writing, engage in the production and analysis of documents, and develop writing and self-editing skills. There are three major writing assignments in this course:

  1. The Formal Report
  2. The Application Package on Linked-in
  3. The Web Folio

At the end of term you will present samples of your best work on an online portfolio in the form of a UBC website of your own design and creation.


I have never taken a technical writing course before, so I am very eager to get started. I have a clinical/science background, so I have not had much experience in writing and perfecting writing skills. With that being said, I am very interested in developing writing and communication techniques that I can use and continue to improve on throughout my career. I expect to overcome any challenges I face throughout the course and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end. I also expect that what I learn in regards to analyzing and producing documents will be very helpful in future career opportunities.

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