Unit Two Reflection Blog

Creating a LinkedIn Profile:
I found creating a professional social media account was a great way to use information from my resume and create a unique and interesting profile. The process of creating a LinkedIn profile was more time consuming than I had anticipated. I originally thought it shouldn’t take very long or be difficult to take information from my resume and put it on my profile. However, I realized there is precise detail and thought that goes into setting up a professional profile. I wanted to ensure I mention all relevant previous work experience, skills and create a unique summary. After completing the profile, I felt confident that this would be an excellent way to professionally network with others.

Process of Preparing my Report Proposal and Outline:
I found it very helpful to organize my research plans in the form of a report proposal and outline. I definitely feel on track with the progress of my report. I am a full-time student and I work full time, so I am very busy. Having organizational and time management skills helps reduce my stress levels and ensure I don’t miss any deadlines. The report proposal and outline were the perfect organizational task I needed to help plan out the rest of the semester. I am curious with how my investigation is going to become a formal report. I have never created a formal report before so it will be an interesting and a new experience. I imagine if I stick to my outline, I will gather all of the information I need for the formal report, and the formal report will be a complete package of my findings.

Peer Reviewing my Partners Proposal:
When peer reviewing my partner’s report proposal, I learned that organization is key to a good first impression. By being organized the purpose of the report is clearly stated in the introduction which prevents confusion for the reader. Also, peer reviewing my partner’s proposal encouraged me to focus more on expression and grammar in my own report proposal and future assignments. I learned that it is easier to catch small mistakes in someone else’s writing than in your own. Overall, peer reviewing my partner’s report proposal helped me better understand the objectives of the formal report and the importance of slowly down when writing.

The Peer Review Process:
Peer reviewing allows me to gain perspective on different writing styles. It is refreshing to read someone else’s work after re-reading your own work again and again. The strategies I have learned from peer reviewing help me in my other assignments as well. I ensure all assignment requirements are met, typos are avoided, and organization is consistent. This process has created somewhat of a “checklist” in my mind when I am doing other assignments to ensure high quality in my work.

Revised Formal Report Proposal

Peer Review I Received

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