Tesla: Electric shares

Tesla is a revolutionary new company known for its revolutionary design of electric automobiles, the electric cars consume less petrol and there for pollutes less on average than any other road approved car and is able to match performance with even a modern-day BMW.

The cars are designed with not only the environment in mind as the consumer is also supplied with car models varying from luxury types to sports cars which can reach a staggering top speed of 205/MPH, which is revolutionary for an electric vehicle.

Tesla has opened to staggering positive public response, as sales continue increasing gradually to this day. By creating a corporation focused on only producing electric variants of modern vehicles it filled a market gap and is now the market leader in terms of this product.

However, there is no denying that the company still faces fierce competition from established organisations such as Toyota and Nissan and BMW who are now seeing the value of this new market and are now developing and selling hybrid and electric variants of their four wheel drive vehicles (an market segment Tesla has yet to enter) and family four doors and two doors.

The company’s share prices have recently been slowing down in their ascent as speculators now wonder whether Tesla’s unique selling point is really cause enough to grant it a fortified position in the market.


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