Twitter and Business

Twitter is a internationally renowned website with millions of users from around the world, millions of people tweet about their habits, lifestyles and most importantly, their experiences.

Twitter offers businesses real time data on product qualities, consumer satisfaction, consumer loyalty and consumer complaints and probable future improvements, a corporate presence on twitter is now almost essential for all major brands and businesses.

HR departments now expand their criteria to the twitter profiles, where they judge possible candidates based on their lifestyle, hobbies and preferences, which allows them to hire more appropriate employees.

companies now routinely conduct research in the form of twitter polls to gage consumer happiness and market performance, as the data presented has been proven to accurately represent that of the current market trend.

companies also currently use twitter to market events and new product releases, as well as running award and consumer recognition systems to improve and expand customer loyalty.

Organizations are also currently beginning to consider tweets written by customers on possible product improvement, as the tweets received by corporate accounts reflect each consumer type’s significant needs and allows the company to expand and respond for more information.

Titter is also an excellent marketing ground for new start ups wishing to reach broad consumer bases in a cost-effective manner and in spreading brand recognition.

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