Tesla Said to Join Luxury Race Into Automated Driving

Car companies constantly compete in the technological space, and they do this by continually incorporating new technology into their cars in order to differentiate them from competitors’ products. Tesla, which is an innovative car company that is known for selling cars that come loaded with the latest tech, plans to do this by announcing the incorporation of automated driving into its cars on an October 9th special event, but it is not the only car company with this in mind. Many luxury car manufacturers such as Audi and Mercedes-Benz have already joined the race towards automated driving after realizing that it is the next logical step in the car industry. However, while automated driving might be a strong point of difference among car companies today, it wouldn’t be surprising for it to turn into a point of parity among these same companies in the near future. This is because as all car manufacturers scramble to incorporate automated driving into their cars to avoid being left behind on this new market opportunity, this new technology will stop being a characteristic that differentiates one car over another and will become a set standard that a luxury car must have in consumer’s minds.


Article Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-10-03/tesla-said-to-add-popular-automated-driving-functions.html

Image Source: http://www.athenna.com/bosch-automated-driving/athenna/web_design/teoria-de-design/



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