April 2017

Oldest deli

The Katz’s deli is the oldest deli in Manhattan it opened in 1888 and has been running for 129 years. Katz’s known for its pastrami, corned beef, hot dogs, matzo ball soup. The one thing that has kept them going is the food and the people running the shop I has gained the reputation as the best you’re going to find anywhere in the city. For Fifth generation owner Jake dell motivation has moved from Extrinsic to Intrinsic; which means that his reward is not from the bonuses, pay, or any tangible reward his reward comes from the pleasure he gets from completing tasks at the shop. The intrinsic motivation expressed in Jake leads to Theory Y, leading to new ideas for the shop; workers will actively seek new responsibilities and exercise self control. As well as the connection to the Hygiene theory which states that the relationship of a person to work is basic and individual’s attitudes determine success or failure. Because Jake is more intrinsically motivated it leans to the side of the theory that depends on satisfaction and no satisfaction; I feel that because the business has become so successful Jake is not the only one in the line of ancestors to be intrinsically motivated while running the deli. Meaning that throughout the 129 years the company has been running there has been more satisfaction then no satisfaction. The other side of the Hygiene theory talks about dissatisfaction and no dissatisfaction. To remove dissatisfaction you must remove the Extrinsic factors, but because the business has been running for so long there has to be a factor that money and tangible reward are not the goal for the business so this means that the company has satisfaction and no dissatisfaction, expressing why the company has been so successful for the 129 years of operation.

word count: 304

Friends turn into sweet business partners

I feel the company will struggle to continue to have a good organizational culture, but with a few key tips the company could remain to stay successful. It seems that from the article to two share the same values for the business. They would like to participate in the new trend of making ice cream by using liquid nitrogen but want to provide better tasting ingredients that they have sampled from around the world and prefect the traditional ice creams. With the stresses of school and work I feel that the two friends may begin to become less motivated, this usually leads to the failure of a business. My suggestion for the two friends would be to use the SMART technique while goal setting. The SMART technique stress the importance to understand what’s to be achieved, the goal should be achievable but also challenge them; results should support the original goals and have a stated time as to when the goal should be achieved. This will help the two friends to communicate as partners not just friends. The friends should also set a clear boundary between business and personal relationships. For the company to strive the friends will have to distinguish what is acceptable at work. This is demonstrated in the movie War Dogs where two friends start their own company and lack of proper communication leaded them to fraud and end of there relationship.  The final suggestion I have for the business partners is to understand and use Maslow’s hierarchy theory, so that the two friends are able to understand how they can motivate themselves when stressed and to help to get there workers motivated as well. If the two partners keep these tips in mind I feel there organizational and business culture to continue to strive and make them successful.

word count: 302

Uber and google test air taxis

Google and other Technology companies have begun to test taxi services in the air. These services would be performed in drones that have specific requirements for example the drone being tested now “Can fly a passenger who weighs less than 220 pounds for up to 23 minutes”.


 They seem to be targeting a niche market. The market for this product would be higher waged individuals looking for quick transport. The market would have troubles targeting the older generations that belong to the generation subcategories of Alders, Baby Boomers, and Generation X because these generations are less comfortable with the new advances in technology where as Generations Y, Z are more flexible with these changes. These two groups attitude toward the new product is related to their Terminal values and satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The switch from not supporting to supporting the idea of air taxi takes place between Generation X who would be unsupportive and Generation Y which would be supportive.

                Generation X Terminal values rely heavily on Family and relationships, the drone alone can only hold one person so taking this transit would have very little satisfaction for Generation X because family could not exercise this together as well as no new relationship would be formed by this due to the fact the drone fries itself. Whereas Generation Y Terminal values are wealth, and equality so transit through air would bring them some satisfaction. For Generation Y to gain satisfaction through the terminal values of wealth would be achieved because to be able to use new products that have the essence of wealth would bring satisfaction. The Generation Y is classified to be high maintenance but also high performance and to satisfy their terminal value of equality if a person of the same status was to use the air transit if someone of Generation Y was unable to it would bring them to dissatisfaction, but if they used it satisfaction. With the creation of this new transport for cities I feel it would be hard for these companies to generate much profit due to the limited market they are able to target.

word count: 351