I feel the company will struggle to continue to have a good organizational culture, but with a few key tips the company could remain to stay successful. It seems that from the article to two share the same values for the business. They would like to participate in the new trend of making ice cream by using liquid nitrogen but want to provide better tasting ingredients that they have sampled from around the world and prefect the traditional ice creams. With the stresses of school and work I feel that the two friends may begin to become less motivated, this usually leads to the failure of a business. My suggestion for the two friends would be to use the SMART technique while goal setting. The SMART technique stress the importance to understand what’s to be achieved, the goal should be achievable but also challenge them; results should support the original goals and have a stated time as to when the goal should be achieved. This will help the two friends to communicate as partners not just friends. The friends should also set a clear boundary between business and personal relationships. For the company to strive the friends will have to distinguish what is acceptable at work. This is demonstrated in the movie War Dogs where two friends start their own company and lack of proper communication leaded them to fraud and end of there relationship. The final suggestion I have for the business partners is to understand and use Maslow’s hierarchy theory, so that the two friends are able to understand how they can motivate themselves when stressed and to help to get there workers motivated as well. If the two partners keep these tips in mind I feel there organizational and business culture to continue to strive and make them successful.
word count: 302