Nov 22 2010

DLG 11

“Who do you think would be the best spiritual leader?”

Please follow the link to complete a quick survey.

I chose Yoda. He is the spiritual leader of the number one hero of all time…Luke Skywalker!! I think Yoda represents all that is calm and required for a journey of personal growth and discovery. Luke never would have learned about the force without him!!

“What song or type of music would Jesus have on his iPod?”

Please provide an anwer that includes a brief explanation/rationale for your choice. Be creative! Have fun!

Ha! I think that Jesus would listen to “Imagine” by John Lennon. I think this due to the lyrics of the song…living in peace, harmony etc. That is what I think we (and Jesus) should be striving for!

Then I was asked this question:

Absolutely! I have always loved that song myself. But I have a question for you.

What do you think he should have thought about the following parts of the song?

“Imagine there’s no Heaven”
“No hell below us”
“And no religion”

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

My Response:

that is part of it!! belief is all about imagination and faith….we have no concrete evidence, but must rely on what we are told. I think Jesus would like to want to talk about these issues…maybe there is no heaven as we know it…but something else. Religion is the belief in something higher than ourselves…I think John Lennon does not attack faith…but attacks the structure of certain religions.

I then added:

I think Jesus would include some music from around the world as well..he is multicultural!!
yes, maybe even a little hiphop…I’d say Eminem “I’m not afraid”


Please respond to the following question(s):

“Can we have spirituality without technology? Can we have technology without spirituality? Is the ideal form of spirituality that without technology?”

I think we always can have spirituality without technology. I think it is something ingrained in us. I also believe that I need nothing around me but nature to feel spiritual. In fact, that is usually when it occurs. Often the bustle of life and computers, phones etc keep us from meditating, thinking, reflecting. I find yoga helps. But nothing is better than sitting in my home town of White Rock BC at night and listening to the waves crash to feel alive and spiritual. I find I also become philosophical at those moments as well. So yes, you can have spirituality without technology

Can you have tech without spirituality is harder to answer. i could see both sides. Yes, because many people who do not feel at one with themsleves, nature, or some belief system operate just fine and that includes technology. But, I think that it is our spiritual nature, our drive for discovery that creates new technology…so perhaps you can’t have spirituality without technology!

Please respond to the following question:

“Or is this the moment when we redefine technology as theology and theology as technology, and thereby recognize their historic and metaphysical inseparability? Secularism no longer seems tenable…

should they be intertwined?
will we worship some form of tech god?
Secularism has been in the classroom setting for a number of years now…I think faith is important and that spirituality should be continued within the structure of technology.
But this is tough to answer.
it’s like the debate of the theory of evolution in science class….

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