Nov 22 2010

DLG 6’s Survey Results

I think this was an excellent way to bridge the topic. I think it was engaging and fun. They also included a great website and I loved the history of technology timeline!

I think the survey was a good addition as it allowed us to see our own growth throughout this module.

1. After reading “The Medium is the Message,” what is more important to you, what you teach
or how you teach it?
– How the content/material is taught to students
– How I teach is definitely more important than what I teach. Always has been.
– The same.. How I teach!
– How you teach it.
– After reading “The Medium is the Message,” how I teach is still the most important.
– How you teach it – passion, etc. without having any passion information is just information
– After reading “The Medium is the Message” I believe how I teach is still more important. If how I
teach is greatly ineffective then it will not matter what I am teaching as my students will not
understand what I am trying to teach them.
2. After reading “Getting a Purchase on “The School of Tomorrow”, what do you think the
purpose of educational technology is?
– To engage the learner
– I almost want to say that there is not purpose of educational technology.
Technology is a tool that is a fact of life and will forever be changing. Technology
can be used to recreate stagnant teaching methods or can be used to provide
purposeful, engaging, constructivist opportunities.
– Technology at its best becomes a part of the culture of a school.
– I think that ET’s purpose is involving students with learning how to use the
devices, as well as thinking critically about what you can do with them.
– I am hoping to better student learning – but also to foster convenience for both
students and teachers
– I believe that educational technology is a tool that teachers and students can use to
enhance their learning experience.
3. Would Sidney Pressey’s “Automatic Teacher” be welcome in your classroom?
– It would be for sure, but as we know the attention span of students is short, so the
interest would be there and gone immediately, well in my class that would
– No. Students who do not “attach” and who do not form appropriate relationships
with their educators do not learn well.
– Yes…it has historic value as an artifact..and we could use it in a critical thinking
assignment exploring its ‘message’
– Lacks humour.
– I think that it would be a novel artifact that could stimulate a lot of discussion.
Students could compare and contrast past and present technologies.
– That depends – will the automatic teacher mark my student’s work? ha!
No I don’t think so. Not as a stand alone product. Perhaps as an aid to the
instructor, but I think people and their input on subjects is still quite relevant.
– If I was teaching at the time Pressey’s machine was around I would not mind
having it in my class. I would view it as another tool I could utilize in my

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