Sep 30 2010

Comparison – Module 1 – Defining ET

I thought I would compare Hawkridge’s Figure 3 Educational technology map with the one created in our Primer. There are many similarities with some aspects having more emphasis in one over the other. As suspected, the Primer has included more current ideas within educational technology. The widespread use of the internet has created other categories of learning such as online learning and computation.

I find it striking that Hawkridge’s map has a great focus on the theories. For example major philosophical and psychological theories are embedded within. There is cognitive, systems, sociology, philosophy, social psychology etc. Whereas theories was present, but not a major focus in the Primer version. The Primer version had the environment as significant, but Hawkridge has a whole category for it.
Yet some aspects remain significant in both maps. Information processing has emphasis in each map indicating the importance of learning and the ways we acquire learning.

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